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By subsidising prospective employers, the Scheme provides more training opportunities for engineering graduates to attain professional status from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).
Subject to the availability of fund, subsidies will be provided to trainees who are being trained under any approved programme by the HKIE. These will form part of the salaries given by the employers and are subject to regular reviews as and when necessary. The period for subsidies is up to 18 months.
Please visit the following sections for more information about the Scheme:
Employers who wish to participate in the EGTS may register their training schemes directly with the HKIE followed by submitting their application to the Working Party on Engineering Graduate Training Scheme for approval. The training programme submitted must conform to the HKIE requirements for Scheme "A" Training.
Download Employer's Registration FormAt the beginning of each year, participating firms are invited to indicate the number of engineering trainees they wish to recruit within the year. The firms would then be advised of the number of trainees they may proceed to recruit under the EGTS. Employers may recruit graduates without approved basic training provided that they agree to release them for basic training in an approved training establishment such as Pro-Act Training and Development Centres of the VTC (Pro-Act by VTC). Employers are required to pay normal salaries to trainees for the basic training period.
Employers need to submit applications for subsidy upon completion of the recruitment process. Upon approval of the Working Party on Engineering Graduate Training Scheme under the Innovation and Technology Training Board of the Vocational Training Council, the subsidies will be granted on a quarterly basis provided that employers accept the terms and conditions set out in the subsidy application form and that trainee training reports are satisfactory.
Employers would be granted subsidy provided that the following conditions are met:
Any new rate of subsidy will be paid automatically to all employers in the EGTS from the date it becomes effective.
Download Subsidy Application FormThe Technologist Training Unit of the VTC is responsible to assist the Working Party on Engineering Graduate Training Scheme for the day to day administration of the EGTS.
Enquiry: 3907 6878